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Ngala is an organisation that supports families, parents and careers to navigate parenting children (from before pregnancy up to having children 18 years of age) through a range of services across Western Australia1. Ngala’s parenting helpline is its main point of contact for parents and carers with parenting concerns. It functions both to provide free parenting advice and support and to refer families and individuals on to other relevant resources and services1.

Based on the assumption that the amount of time a caller requires is associated with the amount of assistance needed, the length of calls to the Ngala helpline can be used as an indicator of the complexity of issues callers are presenting with and their level of need. Therefore, combined with other indicators, the average length of calls to Ngala for particular areas can be used to indicate the level of parenting assistance required in particular regions.


  1. Ngala. Ngala: Parenting, Family, Children and Youth Support [Internet]. Kensington WA; Ngala; 2018 [cited 22 May 2018]. Available from:

Data Source 

Ngala helpline administrative data


Sum of call length (in minutes)


Total number of calls

Unit of Measure 




Data Confidentiality

Areas with a numerator less than 5 have been supressed


Call length represents the total duration of a help line call in minutes.